Parthenogen SAGL, considers crucial the protection of personal data of its users – whether they are existing customers, potential or simple users of a service – ensuring that all citizens, without distinction, that the processing of their personal data in any manner that is automated paper, will be respect of the protections and rights recognized by the Privacy Code, with particular reference to confidentiality, identity and the protection of personal dignity and the right to security and protection of personal data.
This privacy policy is divided into separate sections each of which is a specific topic that can be deepened at your own risk.
Where required, the information is completed by a special module for the release of the consent according to art. 23 of the Code, divided according to the type of use of the information.
The roles and responsibilities regarding your privacy
Parthenogen SAGL is the data controller for the purposes of marketing and profiling. Data Processor for the management and maintenance of the common database operated by means of a CRM.
Activities: Collection and Use for the purposes of marketing and profiling, recording, organization, storage, processing, selection, extraction for the purposes of management of CRM.
Parthenogen SAGL ricopre quindi il ruolo di Titolare del trattamento per finalità di marketing e profilazione; Risponde in fase solida alla raccolta e al successivo utilizzo dei dati personali; Determina come verranno archiviati i dati, chi avrà accesso alle informazioni su una piattaforma comune di CRM, quali saranno svolte azioni integrate di marketing e profilazione, è chiamata a gestire le fasi di registrazione, organizzazione, conservazione, elaborazione, selezione, estrazione dati, cliente / potenziale cliente del database comune sulla piattaforma CRM – Customer Relationship Management).
Area of circulation of data
Personal data may circulate within those appointed in charge internal or external to the respective business organizations, namely by other companies that carry out activities on behalf of the Co-owner, as well as being used by individuals designated as Trustees charge the management of the requested service, which are given specific instructions on safety and proper use of the same.
More detailed information on the names of those responsible for internal and external treatment can be requested by writing to the email
“Personal data”, as specified in Article 4 of the Code, is defined as “any information relating to an individual, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, by reference to any other information including a personal identification number.”
Parthenogen SAGL may be aware of the following types of personal data: personal data such as name, home address / residence, date of birth, email address, phone numbers of users fixed and / or mobile registration forms included in this on the website or sent freely in case of communications with telephone operators, chat or by sending e-mail; data on tastes, preferences, habits, needs and consumption choices as well as inferred from the data related to navigation on the website or associated with specific loyalty programs.
Purposes of the processing
Parthenogen SAGL will have to handle one or more types of personal information as listed in point c), using both tools both paper for the purposes described below:
1. Purposes related to the management of the submitted request
This category includes all activities of service delivery or of specific activities freely request through this website by filling in a form, sending an email or forwarding a call to a phone number.
As for the completion of the form, the data marked by an * (asterisk) and any replies to questions marked by an * (asterisk) are required to follow up the requests. In case of missing you can not fulfill the request.
2. Purposes such as business promotion and marketing
This category includes all activities carried out to promote products, services, connected or related to the product category of the website and / or Co-owner of the company, as identified in the introduction. Commercial offers can also be activated in the interests of individuals or other companies (where possible indicate the list of companies / third) without that in this case there is data communication. Personal data collected – in the presence of consent – may be disclosed to third parties for the same purposes, which will act as holders of treatments autonomous (v. In this respect the following paragraph e) “Categories of persons to whom the data They can be communicated “).
3. Purposes connected with profiling and related to market research and statistical analysis
This category includes all activities related or connected with the user profile and designed to detect the tastes, preferences, habits, needs and consumer choices to improve the quality of services provided by the companies co-Holders indicated in the introduction.
Option to provide data: For the purposes referred to in no. 2 and 3 Providing your data is optional and is subject to the performance of his free consent to use personal data concerning him or her for the purposes and with the above conditions.
How to Contact: Contact arrangements aimed to promotional activity and profiling referred to in no. 2 and 3, if she has consented to the same, can be either automatic (email, SMS, MMS, Fax, phone calls without operator) both traditional (phone calls with operator, postal). She may at any time withdraw the consent previously released, even partially, for example by agreeing only to traditional contact methods.
Privacy for your purchases
Parthenogen SAGL will assure the security of the information and data that you have made when you register your intended purchases. When you place an order, we need your name, email address and payment information. This information is mandatory and allows us to process and execute your order. Information regarding your purchases allows us to personalize the site and suggest titles that may interest you.
If you write the review, the system will issue your nickname (username) and, if available, the picture of your avatar. The opinions of our customers are always welcome, but we reserve the right not to publish comments that do not reflect our guidelines.
The negative feedback is welcome, provided they expressed with words respectful. We will not publish opinions offensive, defamatory, provocative, obscene, threatening and harmful to the protection of privacy and commercial proposals, notices advertising or promotions. They will also be excluded from publishing opinions with links, names and addresses of other websites and texts that contain forms of spamming.
If you want to take advantage of a promotion or enter a contest, you will need to tell us your name, address and e-mail. We need this information to make the offer, any winnings communicate and monitor the level of satisfaction of our marketing activities.
Without prejudice to your right to object, your e-mail address will be used by the owners and the companies in a control relationship with it and link pursuant to art. 2359. civ. (From now on “the holders”) to send out newsletters, commercial information and offers on products similar to those purchased by you as part of your e-commerce site Parthenogen Europe SRL. Remember that you can exercise at any time and free of the rights granted to you, by art. 7 Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, to consult, modify or delete your data or oppose their use for purposes of the market and commercial communication.
Categories of persons to whom the information may be disclosed
In carrying out its activities and to achieve the purposes referred to in point d), Parthenogen SAGL may want to communicate your personal data to the following parties:
1. Other companies unrelated to Parthenogen SAGL.
This communication can take place only to ensure the required service, to other companies unrelated toParthenogen SAGL, operating in the distribution storage and shipping.
In no other case, your personal information of our customers will be disclosed outside.
More information on the names of the individual third-party companies are obtainable by writing
2. Public entities
To public bodies or judicial authorities, where required by law or to prevent or repress the commission of an offense.
Transfer of Data Abroad
Parthenogen SAGL when providing the activities described can use suppliers located outside the European Union.
Disclosure of the data
Personal data which are subject to collection are not and will not be disseminated to the exclusion of statistical studies, anonymous and aggregate.
Rights of the person
You have the right to access their personal information, request correction and updating, if incomplete or erroneous, in addition to cancellation if collected in violation of law, and to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons and specific purposes of Articles . 7 – 10 of the Privacy Act.
The withdrawal of the consent previously for marketing purposes, profiling or communication to third parties interrupts the processing activities on personal data as requested. For example, if you do not wish to receive e-mails, simply click on the unsubscribe button at the bottom at the same place to stop receiving any communication through other channels (SMS, MMS, paper mail, fax, phone )
To exercise their rights, to know the names of those responsible for internal and external treatment, get company information Partheongen SAGL or on third-party companies on whose behalf they are carried out promotional activities, or which can be provided with the personal information and revoke your consent, please contact Parthenogen SAGL, personal data management responsible,Piazza Indipendenza 11 – 6900 Lugano (CH) –